Become a partner of hope
Our Partners of Hope provide a direct long-term impact supporting our refugee and displaced Karen communities as they journey through the challenges of conflict, displacement and poverty
Becoming a Partner of Hope means signing up to donate monthly to Sharing Hope’s work on the Thai-Myanmar border. By making a monthly donation, you can help provide stability for our projects and the communities they impact.
This regular support makes an incredible difference in the lives of these communities, providing some security in the midst of uncertainty as they rebuild their lives and work to provide education, safe water and healthcare for their families.
a month provides a village with medical supplies, treating 15 people
a month provides essential equipment for school classrooms, supporting 20 students
a month provides a teacher with a liveable wage, educating 25 students
a month contributes to clean water or school classroom infrastructure, impacting an entire village
Our projects are initiated and led by local Karen communities





Emergency Relief
How will my donation be used?
All donations are used where they are most needed. This includes providing food, education and medical support to remote villages along the Thai-Burma border. Our projects are initiated and led by local Karen communities.
How can I pay by direct deposit?
To make a regular donation via direct deposit, simply set up an automatic transfer to Sharing Hope via your internet banking for the amount and frequency of your choosing using our bank details:
Account Name: Sharing Hope
BSB: 633-000
Account Number: 157047283
Is my donation tax deductible?
Yes! Donations over $2 are tax-deductible. An Annual giving receipt will be sent to you at the end of the Financial Year.
Sharing Hope Ltd is registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profit Commission. Our finances are audited annually and our Annual Reports are available upon request.