Refugee Camps
Less than 5% of Karen refugee and internally displaced students receive tertiary level education.
Higher Education
Your donation helps sponsor Karen university students to gain degrees in critical areas such as development, nursing or teaching.
Future Leaders
After graduating, these students become agents for change in their local villages and communities.
Here are just some of the passionate and hard-working students who have been supported through their university studies through the Leaders of Hope program.
Bachelor of Public Health
Mae Fah Luang University, Thailand
“My goal is to become a health care educator who works in the undeveloped areas in Myanmar or along the Thai-Burma border”
“Without Sharing Hope, I would not be able to study at Mae Fah Luang University. In the beginning I had received a loan that covered only my tuition and dorm fees. I did not have any other financial support and it was difficult for me to study in university because I had to pay for food, other academic fees and expenses. I would have had to drop out of the university without your support. With blessings, Sharing Hope funded me starting from my freshman year until now. It has made a big impact on my student life and encouraged me that I was not wrong for choosing to continue my studies. Thank you very much for supporting me.”
Poe Ko Ko
Bachelor of Communication Arts
Rangsit University, Thailand
“Since I was a small boy, I wanted to help my Karen people but I didn’t know how. I studied and lived in the dorms at Thoo Mweh Khee Learning Center from a young age. I learned so much and grew as a person there…After I finished post-10, I taught English and Biology at TMK. Teaching wasn’t easy because there was so much work to do. However, my students brought joy, hope and motivation. I learned that what I do may be small but can be a kick-starter for change. Although I loved teaching at TMK, I wanted to gain more knowledge in fields lacking among Karen people. Now, I am pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Communication Arts at Rangsit University. Every day, I am motivated to work hard towards my dreams, inspired by the words: ‘Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”
I really am very happy to be able to study in university to achieve my dream to be an educated person and be able to return to my home area…to work for my people’s development.
Myo Htet
Bachelor of Professional English Communication
Chiang Mai Rajabhat University, Thailand
“My dream is to become a useful person for the community and people who do not get good education. Due to the family financial situation and the location of the school, many of children in Myanmar do not finish their education. I want to be the person to make a change in those people lives. With the education and experiences I learn from university as well as the humanity in my heart, I believe that I can make a different for those who need me. Surely, when I graduate from university, I will go back to Myanmar or work in Thai-Myanmar border, and become a teacher as well as leader of my community. I am going to help new generations as much as I can with the education I have.”
“Thank you so much for awarding me the Leader of Hope Scholarship. With this support, I now have an opportunity to change my life and my story. With just one semester to go before I graduate, I promise it can affect my community well.”
Mu Naw Shee
Bachelor of Secondary Education
King’s College of the Philippines, Philippines
“I am determined to go on in my further study to be a helpful person for my people. As my leader and teacher serve for me, so I want to serve as they serve. I want to let other people know about the situation of our Karen people. If I have a chance to do my further study, I promise all of what I’ve got will be the benefit for my people”
“I am also very thankful for your love and support for my education. Without your support I don’t think I will make it until college level. Again I really want to appreciate all the things you have done for me. I am honorably pleased to be one of your selected scholars.”
“With your support it will fulfill my dream for my future to help develop my community in Thai-Myanmar border. Thank you very much for your thoughtful and generosity May the Lord’s blessings shower upon you all.”
Bachelor of Communication Arts
Rangsit University, Thailand
“My family has been facing with various problems and got in terrible situation but I fancy and determine that I will be an indispensible person for my family and my minority people in the future. I notice that Education can change my life and my community; for that reason I’m trying extremely hard for current studying in Rangsit University and I honestly appreciate this opportunity to get to study here.”
“My career can be journalist reporting rights issues in my Karen State – or as a Communications Officer with an advocacy organization such as KHRG to ensure that the real news is reaching the local people. In 2021, I will finish my university and be qualified to work to improve Myanmar civil society. I will take a responsibility to my family to receive successful life and better education. Education is most necessary and capable to change our society, our life and make us a successful person. To conclude, I have been working for many years to have opportunity to study in University. It is quite difficult for people like me born in poverty and not adequate support from family. Even so, I strive hard to get the opportunity to continue my study. I notice education will provide me a good responsibility, knowledge and change my situation.”
Mary Win
Bachelor of Journalism
University of Canberra, Australia
“I work at a local Karen organisation where I am able to help vulnerable communities. Moreover, I have inspired many children in my village to pursue an education. I have shown my village that poor or rich, people can still pursue a high-quality education if they work hard and struggle for it.”
Want to support our Leaders of Hope program?
Help us support more ambitious and hard-working refugees on the Thai-Burma border to access higher education and make a lasting impact in their communities.
Sharing Hope Ltd is registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profit Commission. Our finances are audited annually and our Annual Reports are available upon request. We are a public benevolent institution and donations over $2 are tax deductible.