In 2010, Sharing Hope began with 3 projects. Since then, we’ve completed:

Border Basics projects
Helping with the basics of life such as food, medicine and education

Border Rebuild projects
Assisting communities to rebuild facilities such as schools and medical clinics

Leaders of Hope projects
Sponsoring Karen refugee students to obtain poverty-alleviating degrees

Emergency Relief projects
Timely aid for communities displaced by internal conflict or natural disaster
Village of 800 gets access to clean water
In one of our partner villages, over 800 people were living without safe drinking water, increasing their risk of waterborne diseases such as cholera and typhoid. Along with...
School food programs lessen the burden of food insecurity
More than 1 in 3 children under five in Karen State are stunted, which means that factors such as poor nutrition have hindered their growth and development. Many families in...
“Here, I don’t feel lonely, I feel like home”
This year 9 student has found a sense of belonging amongst her school dorm mates on the Thai-Burma border. "I am not from [this village], but I came here in grade-5 because in my...
Timely access to medical care in remote villages
Naw Blut Moo serves as the sole medic for two villages in Karen State, Burma. "I have been working in this area for two years. During this time, my knowledge of health conditions...
Hope for the future generations
Meet one of our teachers on the Thai-Burma border. This is her eighth year teaching at this particular school in a displacement camp. "I see that the school is very helpful for...
“We want them to be successful in the future”
Meet one of our maths teachers on the border. He has been teaching for four years, and teaches year levels 6 and 9. "I want to thank our donors for being a part of our school....

The Karen
The Karen people are an ethnic group that settled along the Thai-Burma border approximately 1,500 years ago. Like many other ethnic groups in Burma, the Karen people face ongoing hostility from the Burmese military, the Tatmadaw. For over 70 years the Karen have defended their homeland, their families and their culture.

Stories of hope

Sharing Hope Ltd is registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profit Commission. Our finances are audited annually and our Annual Reports are available upon request. We are a public benevolent institution and donations over $2 are tax deductible.